Home / Installation Guides / Tarmac Bolt Fitting Instructions
Your product is designed to go on to a completely flat surface, it is imperative that this happens as it may weaken your structure when erected. It is vital that all manufacturers’ instructions are followed to ensure that maximum strength is achieved.
- It is very important that your structure is secured to the ground correctly and all fixings are used as this could seriously compromise the strength of your product once erected.
- Drill a 20mm hole in the tarmac at the chosen locations ensuring you have drilled down to the length of the fixing bolt.
- Insert the rubber sleeve into the drilled hole. You may require some force as the size of the hole is deliberately a tight fit on the rubber sleeve.
- Place the holes of the “foot plates” above the freshly inserted rubber sleeve part of the fixing and introduce the M10 fixing bolt and zinc washer supplied.
- Torque the bolt until tight ensuring the rubber sleeve has expanded underneath the tarmac.
Please ensure you drill a 20mm hole, as a slightly oversized hole could compromise the strength of the fixing.
If the above instructions have been carried out correctly the bolt will not lift unless the force on the fixing bolt is great enough to also pull up the surrounding tarmac.
Should you have any questions relating to the installation of the above, please feel free to contact any of our specialist team

Tools Required:
Drill with 20mm drill bit Suitable components for tarmac drilling
17mm spanner To torque bolt
Soft Hammer To aid in fitting rubber sleeve into hole