- Sign Type:
- Parking Sign
- Sign Reads:
- Loading Area No Parking
- Sizes Available (W x H):
- 217 x 297 mm (A4)
- Materials Available:
- 3mm Aluminium Composite Non-Reflective, RA1 Reflective 3mm Aluminium Composite, RA2 Reflective 3mm Aluminium Composite, 2mm Rigid Plastic
- Orientation:
- Portrait
- Application:
- Designed for indoor and outdoor use
- How To Order:
- Select the Required Material, any additional coatings, fixings and then add to basket
- Artwork ID:
- 52053
Temporary Signpost - Loading Area No Parking
As Low As £7.04
Temporary Signpost - Loading Area No Parking
Item 1 of 1
As Low As £7.04
Versatile signpost supplied with high quality print sign and A4 frame, ideal for displaying clear car park notices around your site
- No Parking Signs are displayed to inform drivers of prohibited parking areas
- Provide information to your staff and visitors regarding parking control on your premises
- Can ensure that certain areas remain free of unknown vehicles
- Complies with the Health and Safety (Safety Signs and Signals) Regulations 1996
- High visibility posts are easy to identify, choose from black and yellow or red and white
- Kit includes: 1x printed sign, 1x post, 1x fillable or rubber base and 1x clip on A4 (210 x 297 mm) sign frame
- Choice of two sturdy portable bases:
- Rubber base: ready-to-use base made from a durable rubber material designed to last
- Dry sand/water fillable base: lightweight, portable option that is easy to set up
- Due to its lightweight nature, when utilising outdoors please consider adding additional weight to the base in windy conditions - not suitable for use in extreme or harsh weather conditions
Please note: To ensure you receive your order as quickly as possible your signpost may arrive separately from any sign ordered
Versatile signpost supplied with high quality print sign and A4 frame, ideal for displaying clear car park notices around your site
- No Parking Signs are displayed to inform drivers of prohibited parking areas
- Provide information to your staff and visitors regarding parking control on your premises
- Can ensure that certain areas remain free of unknown vehicles
- Complies with the Health and Safety (Safety Signs and Signals) Regulations 1996
- High visibility posts are easy to identify, choose from black and yellow or red and white
- Kit includes: 1x printed sign, 1x post, 1x fillable or rubber base and 1x clip on A4 (210 x 297 mm) sign frame
- Choice of two sturdy portable bases:
- Rubber base: ready-to-use base made from a durable rubber material designed to last
- Dry sand/water fillable base: lightweight, portable option that is easy to set up