- Sign Type:
- Custom Parking Sign
- Sign Reads:
- Your Wording Here
- Sizes Available (W x H):
- 300 x 225 mm | 400 x 300 mm | 600 x 450 mm | 800 x 600 mm
- Materials Available:
- 3mm Aluminium Composite Non-Reflective, RA1 Reflective 3mm Aluminium Composite, RA2 Reflective 3mm Aluminium Composite, 2mm Rigid Plastic
- Orientation:
- Landscape
- Application:
- Designed for outdoor use
- Guarantee:
- Subject to material type and use in the appropriate setting. Does not account for extreme or atypical environmental conditions.
- How To Order:
- Select the Required Size, Material, any additional coatings, fixings and then add to basket, or customise the message and add your logo
- Artwork ID:
- L50-000-Q-000
Custom Wording White Large Landscape - Your Logo Here
Custom Wording White Large Landscape - Your Logo Here
Create your own custom parking signs in seconds with your logo! Clearly communicate specific instructions and guidance for safe, professional and compliant parking facilities. Choose your preferred size, material, colour, symbols then add wording to create your perfect sign. Add a fixing kit for quick and easy installation
- Wide variety of sizes, materials, colours and symbols to choose from to increase safety in your parking facilities and meet business obligations
- High quality print delivers a clear and crisp message using durable UV stabilised inks
- Choose from a range of hard-wearing materials specifically manufactured to withstand outdoor use and guaranteed for up to 7 years
- Additional coatings, fixings and accessories can be selected separately to create a complete signage solution that is quick and simple to install
- Made in the UK with 95% of orders shipped within 1-2 working days
Create your own custom parking signs in seconds with your logo! Clearly communicate specific instructions and guidance for safe, professional and compliant parking facilities. Choose your preferred size, material, colour, symbols then add wording to create your perfect sign. Add a fixing kit for quick and easy installation
- Wide variety of sizes, materials, colours and symbols to choose from to increase safety in your parking facilities and meet business obligations
- High quality print delivers a clear and crisp message using durable UV stabilised inks
- Choose from a range of hard-wearing materials specifically manufactured to withstand outdoor use and guaranteed for up to 7 years
- Additional coatings, fixings and accessories can be selected separately to create a complete signage solution that is quick and simple to install
- Made in the UK with 95% of orders shipped within 1-2 working days
ISO 3864 – International Standard for Safety Signs & Markings:
This international standard defines the design principles for safety signs that convey safety messages. By following ISO 3864, our parking signs are designed with the official and appropriate colours to effectively communicate essential safety information, reducing the risk of accidents and confusion in parking areas.
Upgrade to Class RA1 or Class RA2 Reflective Signs:
Class RA1 and Class RA2 are two types of reflective coatings that offer significant benefits in terms of visibility, durability, and performance in low-light or night-time conditions. The reflective coatings we offer are equivalent to the BS EN 12899:1:2007 standard.
RA1 is visible up to 300 meters with good night time visibility and weather resistance. RA2 is a more advanced material, offering superior reflectivity. Visible up to 500 meters, it performs excellently in low-light conditions.
Both RA1 and RA2 materials benefit parking signs by helping drivers identify and understand parking areas, offering clear night-time visibility to reduce accidents through improved safety and compliance.
The choice between RA1 or RA2 depends on factors like sign location, viewing distance, and information criticality. However, both can improve the effectiveness and safety of parking signage at an affordable price.