- Sign Type:
- Prohibition Sign
- Sign Reads:
- No Entry
- Sizes Available (W x H):
- 415 x 805 mm (with base), 410 x 765 mm (panel), 392 x 747 mm (printing area)
- Material Available:
- 1.2mm Aircraft Grade Aluminium
- Orientation:
- Portrait
- Application:
- Designed for both indoor and outdoor use
- Base Weight:
- 5.7kg
- Artwork ID:
- R51-NEC-0-05S
Freestanding Sign - No Entry
As Low As £108.00
Freestanding Sign - No Entry
Item 1 of 2
Item 1 of 2
As Low As £108.00
Ensure the safety of your employees and visitors, by restricting access to certain parts of your premises
- Reinforce business protocols or safety information around your premises
- Bold, highly visible design with clear messaging designed to instantly draw attention
- Portable and versatile, these pavement signs can be easily carried in and outside your business premises to be placed in multiple locations
- Ideal for displaying eye-catching temporary messages around your premises to demonstrate a commitment to health and safety practices
- Double-sided high-quality print to give maximum visibility and impact from both directions
- Quick and simple assembly, the panel easily connects to the base with no additional tools required
Ensure the safety of your employees and visitors, by restricting access to certain parts of your premises
- Reinforce business protocols or safety information around your premises
- Bold, highly visible design with clear messaging designed to instantly draw attention
- Portable and versatile, these pavement signs can be easily carried in and outside your business premises to be placed in multiple locations
- Ideal for displaying eye-catching temporary messages around your premises to demonstrate a commitment to health and safety practices
- Complies with Health and Safety (Safety Signs and Signals) Regulations 1996 and EN ISO 7010:2020
- Double-sided high-quality print to give maximum visibility and impact from both directions
- Quick and simple assembly, the panel easily connects to the base with no additional tools required
- Durable weather-resistant material that is rust and corrosion-resistant ensuring they remain effective in rain or shine
- Sturdy black recycled PVC rubber base designed to withstand strong windspeeds